Resources - Family Law Process
We are here to help you. This curated list of resources and organizations will be of great benefit to you throughout your family law proceeding.
We are here to help you. This curated list of resources and organizations will be of great benefit to you throughout your family law proceeding.
The Family Law Rules are always changing, litigation is a complicated process and trials are very difficult. Because of this, Glenda McLeod has been co-authoring the Annotated Family Law Rules since 2009, alongside other experienced family law professionals. This essential resource is updated yearly to ensure that new rules and cases are included.
AFCC Ontario Parenting Plan Guide and Template
Canada Revenue Agency (Canada Child Benefits)
Canada Revenue Agency (Pension Splitting)
Chamber Of Commerce Greater Kitchener Waterloo
Child and Parent Place (Supervised Visitation Facility)
Government of Ontario, Ministry of the Attorney General
International Child Abduction: a guidebook for parents
Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region
Women’s Crisis Service of the Waterloo Region
We are one click or phone call away from helping you navigate this sensitive time in your life. Get the help you need.
30 Queen Street North
Kitchener, ON N2H 2G8
T. 519-742-4297
F. 519-744-5526